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  1. Rebel Chas

    Horn was not working, Dealer replaced the PDC

    2023 Rebel with 7k miles, The horn started to be intermittent at 4k miles, it would work on warm days or after a 15 minute or so drive. Then at 6k it just stopped working altogether, took it to the dealer on appointment yesterday and have it back fixed this morning. They replaced the under...
  2. Rebel Chas

    OEM Jack and tools storage, I like the redesign so far

    I just checked the lug wrench and lug nut fit on the new truck, and I really like the redesign of the hold down system. On the old 2013 2500 the bottom of the hold down screw was exposed to the elements where it screwed through the floor under the passenger seat. On this new one, the bolt is...